I’m an engineer at heart who strives to build products that matters. Introducing intelligent ways in day-to-day activities (whatever it is) employing science-driven automation. Eliminating hassle, making hard work smart, making smart work smarter, erasing the edge between ops and dev. Inventing and improving everything around. Unveiling interests in more such as writing a blog, etc.
Cybersecurity - Managing Risk in the Information Age |
Masters in Information Systems |
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science |
AWS SAM Project that allows you to send alerts from Guard Duty to Slack based on severity that you are interested in.
StarBy Default when you create cloud watch log groups retention period is “Never”. When deployed it detects the creation event of log group and set the desired retention.
Starterraform module to create aws security groups
Starterraform module to share AMI with other accounts
StarA Terraform module to create AWS DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)